Wednesday, January 19, 2011

...pre-term labor #2

So here's the story!
I had a Dr. Appointment yesterday, just a routine check to see how everything was going and double check on the babies movement. After seeing me the doc ordered a non stress test because he was a tinsy bit worried about the baby. The nurse told me to go get a sugary beverage and come back in 30. I had my main man Nash with me,so we headed to sonic to indulge ourselves with blue coconut slushies!! The nurse had informed me that the test would take a minimum of 20 min so luckily one of my dearest friends, Nicole VanOrman, was at her moms in south Orem and they had Nash over for some fun while I headed back for my test.

The nurse 1st did an ultrasound to check my fluid levels, which were a little low but nothing to fret about! She checked little babe's heart and everything looked perfect! I was so relieved! She did however want to continue with the stress test which basically just monitors mom and baby for a period of time to make sure that she is handling everything okay. I was only hooked up for about 30 seconds when I had a contraction, nothing big but a contraction non the less! Well in less than 5 min of being hooked up to the NST the nurse called the dr. in and the dr. called the hospital to let them know he was sending me into labor and delivery!:( No!!! I was contracting every other min! I broke down right then and there. Pre-term labor was super hard when I went through it with Nash, just lying around in the Hospital for over a week, constant monitoring and only shark week on Discovery to entertain me! But, what i was really upset about was the time it was going to take away from Nash and In the last little bit before the baby comes. When it was just Josh and I there wasn't as much to worry about.

So off to UVRMC I went and was admitted to Labor and Delivery. They did checked my cervix and i was only 50% effaced and dilated to a 2 (i was 90% and at a 4+ when i went in with Nash 3 weeks earlier in my pregnancy!!) so i was feeling pretty confident! Unfortunately i was still contracting, which leads to dilation, and my fetal fibernactin test came back positive. It's a test that detects a hormone that is present when a baby will be delivered from the next 24hrs-10 days. They needed to stop my labor. they put me on Nifedipine right away and after about an hour the contractons began to slow. They also shot my hip up with a good dose of Betamethasone (a hardy steroid) for the baby. The shot hurt like hell and the Nifedipine made me super emotional so i totally embarrassed myself and started crying over a shot!

I sent Josh home at 10, poor guy had gobs of home work and i was exhausted. The meds wore off and I started contracting again at about 4 am so the nurse came to give me more but couldn't because my blood pressure was too low. She told me to stay awake for an hour and that might help. I got in the tub to ease the contractions and by 5 am my pressure was just high enough to take my meds and about an hour later they stopped. I finally slept from 7-10 and when i woke i was still free of contractions! This was the case for the rest of the day! GOOD JOB BABY!! Drug free and contraction free was a good sign they'd be sending me home soon!  At 8:30 pm i had my second round of steroids and the Dr. called for another 24 hr. monitoring....yuck! Well, my awesome nurse Amanda came to my rescue and told my Dr. what a great patient i had been and how well both I and the baby had been doing over the past 12 hrs and that she thought I would do better at home! What a gem! Well, It worked! I'm home!

On bed rest for the next few weeks (better than the 6 with Nash) and a prescription for Nifedipine for if contractions start and Josh is qualified to take my blood pressure before giving me a that's convenient! I'm also super blessed and lucky to have the greatest family who are so happy to help keep my little man entertained while his mom turns into a whale on the couch! The next few weeks will fly by... I've got lots of honey do's for Josh i can supervise and a handful of National geographic documentaries I want to watch... some Nash will dig too! Best part is that we will have a lovely little lady joining our family in  a month or so (hopefully not sooner) and all 3 of us are so giddy about it!



  1. Wow, Angie, that's so great they could stop the contractions! Good luck with everything. We'll keep you guys in our prayers!

  2. Ahhh, I'm glad she wasn't that early. Enjoy veggin' and I hope everything goes well. I was worried when i saw your FB Post. Glad you guys are ok! Can't wait to see your sweet girl.

  3. Oh my gosh, Ang! I'm so glad that everything is okay. Your poor little body just doesn't like to be pregnant for that long!

    I'm happy to hear that you are home. Wish I was in Utah so I could come over and watch some trashy tv with you!

    Take care of yourself. I can't wait to meet the little darling. I will be home in April for a bit. I'll bring her some Uggs! ;)

    Love you so much! xoxo
